Experimenter En Couleur Alexis Audio Miulew Adam Sloan Miss Noise Jaime Lunn Oldman Christos Hatjoullis Peer Neumann
Maria Castro Yan Jun Aeoe Louisville Ulysses


Tracks will be made available for listening soon

[U]lysses aka Elvis Gold claims to know very little about music in a world where treading the same path sells millions of records, constantly winning best album of the year and so on and so forth.

This film-maker, visual artist and writer, at the thrifty age of seven taught himself piano, then guitar, bass and drums. Tapes and computers opened the way for a more unbridaled experimentation and fascinating take of the musical experience.

Other [U]lysses work and information:

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Listen to excerpts of from the album soon

Details of this release will be made available shortly.


Buy Audio Architecture releases at:
Smallfish Records
Juno Records